Cutworms! Now, what is it they do? And how do I deal with them? Potato plant Leafless potato plants Organic Spray Did Not Help That clicked, because I know I’ve dealt with this before.

Each day more leaves were eaten, and then the stalks began to fall – chewed off at the base. I was thinking “potato beetle” or slugs, and kept inspecting the plants and leaves closely. I noticed that something was eating my potato leaves. Cutworms sleep in the dirt during the day and feeds at night. When inspecting damaged leaves, you’ll likely see nothing. Unlike many insects and worms that show up in a garden, the cutworm hides. The other part to that answer would be you won’t spot anything that could be doing the damage. The short answer to that question is that whole stems will be cut off at the base.

How do you know if your garden problem is cutworms?